New fora – let's try 'em

Quite a proportion of you in our recent survey suggested that the site might be improved by having more than one forum. In particular, some members felt that the regular forum could be a bit elitist and put them off posting a relatively basic question or observation. Others outlined the merits of having a forum devoted specifically to travel suggestions and questions.

We certainly don't want to discourage people from enjoying wine and wine experiences at all price levels. I for one would hate to drink nothing but the most expensive wines in the world. One of wine's glories is that it can deliver so many different sensations that can be matched to the different circumstances we find ourselves in. I also believe that there is good and bad value at all prices – as you will see from my long lists of reds and whites (shorter list this Saturday, lslightly onger one on Monday) for drinking over the current holiday season. 

So, even mindful of your needs, we have created two new forums:

not so posh


travel stuff

They work just like the main members' forum which will of course continue as before and will not, I hope, be in any way impoverished. (Thank you especially all of you who have posted your memories of Alois Kracher.) But everyone should feel free to add to all three fora, a word that kept coming up in our survey responses, as and how they like.

And if we all decide they don't work very well, we can abandon them and revert to one main members' forum only.