Hemming's spittoon The wine that's not for drinking Richard revives his Spittoon column with the curious story of the Jerezanos'... 18 Nov 2020 Richard Hemming MW
Hemming's spittoon Average pleasures Wine doesn't always have to be great, argues Richard. Most wines I... 10 Jul 2019 Richard Hemming MW
Hemming's spittoon The secret of food and wine matching Is finding the right food and wine match ever possible? Probably ...When... 12 Jun 2019 Richard Hemming MW
Hemming's spittoon Open-source winemaking How technology is being used to share every detail of how a... 8 May 2019 Richard Hemming MW
Hemming's spittoon Death by wine? If wine will be the death of you ... would you still... 10 Apr 2019 Richard Hemming MW
Hemming's spittoon Unpalatable truths: is wine a force for good? Goodness is in the glass of the beholder – depending on your... 13 Mar 2019 Richard Hemming MW
Hemming's spittoon Keeping faith with wine Fostering a true and unfaltering love of wine requires not just perpetual... 13 Feb 2019 Richard Hemming MW
Hemming's spittoon How do producers persuade us to drink their wine? The marketing methods available to wine producers vary greatly, Richard discovers. Glass... 9 Jan 2019 Richard Hemming MW
Hemming's spittoon The flaws of the scores Richard wonders why wine scores are so enduring when they are so... 12 Dec 2018 Richard Hemming MW
Hemming's spittoon Zero-alcohol wine: horrific or terrific? Richard considers how vital wine's defining ingredient is. Halloween is the right... 10 Oct 2018 Richard Hemming MW
Hemming's spittoon Do gold wine bottles improve wine quality? Pick a number between one and 20. Multiply it by your age... 12 Sep 2018 Richard Hemming MW
Hemming's spittoon Wine, eggs, and the tyranny of choice The Round-The-Clock Coffee Shop in Macau offers scrambled, fried, poached or boiled... 8 Aug 2018 Richard Hemming MW
Hemming's spittoon Artificial Vintelligence Recently, I became the latest lucky human to be upgraded by artificial... 11 Jul 2018 Richard Hemming MW
Hemming's spittoon Wine's great unanswered questions ‘I have discovered a truly marvellous proof of this, which this margin... 13 Jun 2018 Richard Hemming MW
Hemming's spittoon The maddening minutiae of wine Let’s play spot the difference! Here's an easy one to start with... 9 May 2018 Richard Hemming MW
Hemming's spittoon Faith versus fact: how we think about wine Here are ten fun facts about wine!Chablis is 100% Chardonnay Most wine... 11 Apr 2018 Richard Hemming MW