New platform, new forum and logging in problems

Matt Williams and Chyrelle Rayman-Bacchus of bore the brunt of moving this site, as warned, to a completely new - bigger, better and more powerful - platform yesterday, Friday 08 sep. See more detail, including an explanation of some of the new features in the left hand menu, at Changes to this site, especially the forum. Do bear in mind that you may well have to change your bookmarks to accommodate the new platform.

The site appears to be more or less in one piece (although there are lots of little tweaks to be made, including adding Oxford Companion pages other than the first one for each letter of the alphabet), but several purple pagers, to our chagrin, have experienced problems logging in. Matt worked through the night to fix this problem and by 2am Saturday UK time reckoned he had managed it. However there was a small category of members who were still reporting difficulties during Saturday and early Sunday – a problem which he spent Sunday afternoon solving.

If by any chance you are a purple pager still experiencing problems logging in, please let us know via Contact at the bottom of any page, choosing Subscriptions from the dropdown box. and we will of course investigate and try to solve this as soon as possible.

Purple pagers are invited to experiment with the new members' forum which is much more immediate and accessible than the old your turn, now your turn archive. I must assure you that I intend to make just as many contributions to the new forum as the old; it just won't eat up as many hours of my time every day editing it personally.

I'm sure there will be lots of other snagging points to tackle. Don't hesitate to send feedback. We are constantly trying to improve the site.